Gynecomastia Surgery in Ahmedabad

Gynecomastia or Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Ahmedabad

Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia Surgery Hospital in Ahmedabad

Gynecomastia is the condition of enlargement of the glandular tissue of the male breasts. At puberty, men face this issue due to an imbalance of estrogen and testosterone called hormonal imbalance. It can also be a result of heredity, obesity, or the use of certain medicines or drugs. This condition can affect one or both the breasts, sometimes unevenly. This condition can occur in boys after they hit puberty and in order men as a result of normal hormonal changes. Male breast reduction surgery is the most effective way to operate the overdeveloped breasts. Before you look for gynecomastia surgery in Ahmedabad it is important to understand its signs, symptoms, possible treatments/procedures, and costs.

Gynecomastia can make a person lose their self-confidence, and lead to emotional discomfort. Due to this, men avoid certain physical activities to simply hide their unaesthetic condition.

Several conditions leading to Gynecomastia are:

  • Excess fat
  • Excess glandular tissue development
  • Excess and loose breast skin

What is Gynecomastia Surgery? 

Gynecomastia surgery is done to reduce the breast size of men. The process includes flattening and enhancing the chest contours and works on the overall beautification of men’s chest.

There are several cases of gynecomastia where we have seen patient’s breasts turned saggy due to excess breast tissue. The skin around the nipple (areola) stretchs and stretch marks can also develop. With gynecomastia surgery, we improve the position and size of the areola and reduce the excess gland and fat. This plastic surgery to improve the overall breast shape and size of men (gynecomastia) is similar to reduction mammoplasty in females, the only difference is breast gland and fat are completely removed in gynecomastia while they are preserved to a certain extent to retain and improve the shape of female breasts.

What are the signs and symptoms of gynecomastia?

Approximately 30% to 60% of males either teenagers, seniors, or adult males at some point in their life have faced the problem of gynecomastia. We understand your fear and concerns and here at Cutis, we deal effectively with each of the gynecomastia symptoms in Ahmedabad.

The primary and the most visible symptom of gynecomastia is male breast enlargement. In this condition, the glandular tissue of the breast enlarges. The enlargement is visible but can be unilateral or it can be more on one side than the other even if both sides are involved. In most cases, this condition is painless. Some other symptoms include –

  • Lumpy and fat tissue development under the nipple.
  • Sore or tender lumps.
  • Uneven swelling of breasts

What diseases and conditions cause gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is caused due to over-developed male breasts, but this can also happen due to several medical conditions.

Some of the common diseases and conditions causing gynecomastia are –

  • Disorders of male sex organs
  • Relatively higher estrogen levels
  • Hormone imbalance during or after puberty
  • Obesity as seen in most young adults
  • Thyroid problem
  • Intake of drugs like, heroin, marijuana, and anabolic steroids
  • Side effects from medicines of heart disease, depression, or cancer
  • Kidney failure and liver diseases
  • In some cases, this is also genetic or acquired due to trauma.
  • Testicular cancers as it secretes hormones causing gynecomastia

Benefits of gynecomastia surgery

With gynecomastia surgery, the surgeons at Cutis Hospital remove the excess tissue in the male chest. This surgery offers several benefits to the patients, some of the commonly seen advantages in our patients are –

  • Masculine Figure – After gynecomastia surgery, we have seen patients gain confidence. Excessive male breasts are often referred to as ‘man boobs’ and this comparison can be devastating and men feel their masculinity gets compromised. With gynecomastia surgery at Cutis remove your excess tissue in the chest to achieve a flatter and smoother chest and enjoy a more masculine shape!
  • Improvement in self-confidence – Being happy with one’s appearance is one of the most important things. Many men suffer from excess breast tissue and start to lose self-confidence and self-esteem, they feel embarrassed or ashamed with their looks. Such feelings can seriously impact a person’s life, they are seen shying away and avoiding any social interaction, this can also affect relationships with partner. Men get self-conscious to go for work out or avoid outdoor activities and prefer loosely fitted t-shirts. Removing excess breast tissue by gynecomastia surgery can help men restore their self-confidence, enhance their appearance and help them face any situation with higher self-esteem.
  • More physical activity – We have seen women avoid any type of physical exercise owing to excess breast tissue, as running and jumping can be painful. Well, women have sports bras to their rescue when they have excess breast tissue, but men are still suffering. With gynecomastia surgery at Custis eliminate your problem of male boobs and enjoy every physical activity without facing any pain in the chest.
  • No more back pain –Men suffering from gynecomastia often complain about the issue of back pain. The excess weight in their chest coupled with inferiority complex disrupt their posture, causing the upper spine to become rounded and giving a slightly humpy back. This position can develop back pain and other associated problem. With gynecomastia surgery, men find it easy to maintain their straight posture and get rid of the back pain.

Gynecomastia Procedure

The procedure of gynecomastia surgery starts with general anesthesia. The surgeon uses the liposuction technique to suck out the unwanted fatty tissues. For this, they start by making an incision in the inframammary crease. After the fatty tissues are removed by liposuction, they remove the breast gland via the same incision or periareolar (incision around the areola) incision. If the gynecomastia is enlarged enough with too much skin and puffy areola, then a patient might require areola reduction and reposition additionally, either in the same stage or later.

Post-surgery you’ll be discharged from the hospital on the same day and we advise you to take two days of complete rest and not go to your regular schedule. Male breast reduction surgery in Ahmedabad at Cutis Hospital is undertaken by our trained doctors and surgeons. They’ll advise you to turn down your physical activities for three weeks following the surgery and wear an elastic pressure garment day and night at least for the coming four weeks after the procedure.

Gynecomastia Risks / Complications

Male breast reduction surgery in Ahmedabad at Cutis Hospital is done with full care and is conducted by the best doctors and surgeons in the town. In most cases, we haven’t seen any side effects or complications after the surgery but there are chances that patients may face a few risks such as swelling or pain in the operated area, infection, or bleeding. Depending upon the patient, the wound may sometimes take longer to heal and there can be a temporary numb sensation in the breast or nipple area. A few patients can also develop allergic reactions from the dressings.

Gynecomastia Recovery care

The post-surgery dressing will be applied in the area where the incisions are made. The surgeon will close the cuts with stitches, cover them with a dressing and suggest you wear a support garment (pressure garment) on your chest. This will help you minimize swelling and pain and the newly gained chest contour will heal well. Our nurses and working staff at Cutis will monitor your progress carefully. You will have to follow the instructions given by the medical staff and take proper medications as prescribed.

The result of gynecomastia surgery will be evident immediately after the surgery especially in larger gynecomastia cases. The definitive results will start to appear in two or three weeks. With time, permanent incision lines will start to fade and you’ll feel as joyful and healthy as ever. Male breast reduction surgery provides the best results if precautions and proper follow-up care are taken.

Gynecomastia cost in Ahmedabad

The overall expense of gynecomastia surgery can differ from case to case depending upon the overall situation and surgical challenges. Elements that impact the cost are gynecomastia surgical procedure, the amount of fat you are looking to be removed, the patient’s medical conditions, etc.

To get the exact gynecomastia cost estimates for male breast reduction you can reach out to Cutis Hospital Ahmedabad, where Dr. Chintan Patel can guide you, understand your requirements and quote you a price with the available surgical options.

Cutis Hospital – Best Gynecomastia Hospital in Ahmedabad, India

Breast enlargement is a common disorder and many men are facing it today. Here at Cutis Hospital, we carry out our male breast reduction surgery with utmost care and under the supervision of the best surgeons. We are focused on giving our patients the desired results and showing satisfactory results owing to the sincere approach of our doctors.

Book your consultation today!

Why wait? Looking to remove the unwanted fat from your chest then meet our consultants today and do a counseling session. It’s nothing to be afraid of or to be ashamed of, male breast reduction/gynecomastia surgery is a common thing nowadays and it’s very much important to be operated on rather than carrying baggage. All you have to do is to call us on +91 079 27474055/ +91 972 599 9526 and book an appointment with the specialist.

Frequently Asked questions

  • How safe is gynecomastia surgery?

    The safety of male breast reduction is a common concern but fortunately, the surgery is proven safe most of the time if performed by an experienced plastic surgeon. At Cutis, we have trained and experienced plastic surgery experts along with qualified and experienced anaesthesiologists and world-class anaesthesia equipment along with excellent post-operative care. All these things collectively work the best and truly deliver the finest results.

  • How long does gynecomastia surgery take?

    The gynecomastia surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The surgical procedure usually takes about couple of hour or longer to complete, depending on the amount of surgical work to be done. You can anytime consult our health workers and understand your requirements.

  • Is gynecomastia surgery dangerous or risky?

    No, in general, there are no side effects nor there is any danger or risk from gynecomastia surgery. However, some patients develop rashes and itching with pain due to skin contusions. Our doctors recommend you avoid any physical activities for 48 – 72 hours such as driving, traveling, or elevating your shoulder. You may also require to cut off your daily routine for a day or two but you can resume your normal life very early.

  • What are the side effects of gynecomastia surgery?

    Well, this surgery is safe and there is a minimal chance that a patient can get a side effect. But some common side effects of which most are temporary are –

    • Swelling
    • Bruising at some part of the chest
    • Pain and discomfort
    • Numbness over the operated area
  • Is this surgery a permanent solution for male breast problem?

    Yes, as the gynecomastia surgery permanently removes the excess fat and the glandular tissues which play a role in enlarging the breast tissues and there are no chances of recurrence, this surgery can be considered as a permanent solution for male breast problems. However, the patients should follow the surgeon’s post-surgery recommendations and instructions.

  • What results should be expected after the gynecomastia surgery?

    Results are excellent, they are instant, long-lasting, and painless. Scars will fade away in few months to a year and within a fortnight, the patient will be in an appreciable shape and optimum physical condition.

  • What are the precautions to take after the gynecomastia surgery?

    After surgery a small dressing is placed over the surgical incision site, patients are made to wear a pressure garment to support the fresh chest contour as it heals. Patients can take bath after 48 hours of surgery with the advice of their surgeon and avoid their daily routine activities like driving, traveling and elevation of both shoulder joints for 3 – 5 days and strenuous activities like swimming, gym, and exercising, and heavy weight lifting must be avoided for at least 4 -6 weeks.

Book YourConsultation

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